Tuesday, May 26, 2020

My First Time

Well, here I am, writing my first blog post.  I’ve toyed with writing a blog for some time, but never really pulled the trigger.  I’ve always had many things going on professionally and never thought that I would keep it up.  I’m not really the creative type and never thought that I would have enough inspiration on an ongoing basis to maintain the blog.  Why start something if you’re not committed to it?

Lately though, I’ve thought more about it.  I’m 59 years old and with that age comes a fair bit of wisdom.  If what I write can help someone, enlighten someone, make someone laugh, or just make someone think a little outside of their box, that’s worth something, right?

I have many interests:  I’m a political junkie; I love music; I keep up with current events; I am well versed in health and fitness topics; I have multiple college degrees and have seen a whole lot in my lifetime.  I like to think that I have something to offer.

So, here I am, writing my first blog post.  I’m not sure how often I will post, whether this post will be the only one, or whether anyone will care about what I write.  What I do know is that this will be like online therapy where I will write honestly about what I feel and believe.  Maybe I’ll post weekly, semi-monthly, monthly, who knows?  I can only say that I will not post for the sake of posting.  Whatever I write will be what I’m thinking about at the time.  This will not be mundanities.

We live in a world where political correctness is rewarded.  I’m not looking for rewards.  I care not who is offended or who does not like what I have to say.  I don’t care about “likes” or other social media measures.  I refuse to prostitute myself to an algorithm.  An upraised middle finger is what I offer anyone who seeks to silence me or have me conform to their construct of behavior, beliefs and speech.

Let’s see where this goes.